Unleash the power of connection!

Dogs are more than just furry companions; they have a remarkable ability to bring joy, comfort, and support into our lives. Sparky our therapy dog, can harness the unique power of the human-animal bond, to promote emotional wellbeing and social interaction.

Why Dog Therapy?

Research shows that dogs play a vital role in animal assisted therapy, offering a calming presence that can:

Our Therapy Dog Services

Our dog therapy programs are designed to meet the specific needs of our clients. Both Sparky and his handler are certified and trained to provide:

  • Individual therapy sessions: Build confidence, improve social skills, and manage emotional challenges in a supportive environment with the help of a canine companion.

  • Group therapy sessions: Connect with others and experience the joy of dog interaction in a safe and facilitated setting.

  • Facility visits: Bring a furry friend's companionship to hospitals, schools, or aged care facilities, promoting smiles and social interaction.

The Human-Animal Bond: A powerful partnership

Dogs offer unconditional love and acceptance, creating a safe space for emotional expression and growth. Our dog therapy services can help you improve your emotional well-being and navigate life's challenges with a furry friend by your side.

Download our therapy dog information sheet. View more of Sparky and his work on his Instagram.

Contact us today to learn more about how a therapy dog can benefit both you and your organisation.